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Month: October 2017

Technical debt: we need better communication, not better metaphors

Technical debt as a metaphor is not serving our profession well. It was meant to help us talk to business people and make better decisions about our software projects. But it has largely been a failure. Part of the problem is that business people aren’t afraid of future interest payments.

In business school, I learned about the power of leverage: what it is, how to get it, how to measure it, and how to manage it. Debt is a tool. My fellow business school grads are comfortable with leverage and debt. So when the programmers come to the business people complaining about technical debt, the business people are unconcerned. And why would they be? The metaphor is misleading; technical debt is only superficially similar to financial debt.

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Is Uncle Bob serious?

Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob) has been banging on the “software professionalism” drum for years and I’ve been nodding my head every with every beat. As a profession, I believe software developers need to up their game big time. However, I’ve become concerned about Uncle Bob’s approach. I reached my breaking point the other day when I read his blog post titled Tools are not the Answer.

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How to impress your boss AND earn major karma points

Your boss likely has a to-do list with projects she would like to get done but can’t. She would jump at the chance to do these things if she could just pass them off to someone competent and manage them at arm’s length. These projects add value if they are done well (and your boss doesn’t have to babysit them) but they probably aren’t critical to the success of your company.

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